Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc. Announces 2022 First Quarter Financial Results

May 4, 2022

Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc. (Nasdaq: HCCI), a leading provider of parts cleaning, used oil re-refining, and hazardous and non-hazardous waste services primarily focused on small and mid-sized customers, today announced results for the first quarter which ended March 26, 2022.

To view the financial results for the first quarter, please visit our financial releases page.

The company will host a conference call on Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 9:30 AM Central Time, during which management will give a presentation focusing on the Company’s operations and financial results.

Interested parties can listen to the audio webcast available through our company website, https://crystal-clean.com/investor-relations/, and can participate on the call by dialing (888) 440-4149. After dialing the number, you will be required to provide the following passcode before being joined to the conference call: 8889427.

To register for the webcast online, please visit https://events.q4inc.com/attendee/606727253.