75+ Million Gallons of Used Oil Processed Annually. 55+ Million Gallons of Base Oils Produced Annually
Oil no longer has to be a non-renewable resource. Thanks to advanced technology, used oil can now be transformed into a renewable resource. By continuing to utilize innovation, technical expertise and capital investments, Crystal Clean has established itself as a leader in the oil re-refining industry and has become one of the largest re-refiners in North America. Re-refining is the environmentally responsible way to manage used oil, reducing greenhouse gas and heavy metal emissions.
Crystal Clean’s state-of-the-art oil re-refinery in Indianapolis, IN, commenced operations in 2012 and is permitted to process up to 75 million gallons of used oil per year. Used oil is transformed into high-quality Group II base oils, co-product fuels and vacuum tower asphalt extender. Re-refining operations are run 24/7 by a variety of experienced engineers, mechanics, operators, lab technicians and terminal technicians.
Our re-refined oil goes through rigorous laboratory testing to ensure it meets or exceeds API and ILSAC industry standards. All base oil products we produce are well suited for a wide variety of automotive, industrial and marine lubricants, as well as diluents for additives and process oil applications.
Storage capacity at our re-refinery exceeds 7 million gallons. Of this, 2 million gallons is dedicated for used oil feed and almost 2 million gallons is for HCC 150 Group II base oil. Additional storage capacity is for fuel and asphalt extender produced in our re-refining process.
Relevant Services
Waste collected from the following services have the ability to be disposed using Crystal Clean’s oil re-refining capabilities.